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Renovation and transformation can lead the way to a lower carbon footprint in construction
A significant part of the world’s CO2 emissions comes from the production of building materials. That's why there's massive potential in extending the lifetime of buildings rather than erecting new ones. In a new online theme, Troldtekt explores successful transformations and renovations of existing buildings.

Meet Troldtekt at 3daysofdesign in Copenhagen
The Danish capital will host 3daysofdesign from 12–14 June. The internationally recognised design festival offers events and exhibitions for industry professionals and others with a passion for design. Experience Troldtekt at several events around Copenhagen.

Troldtekt sharpens circular focus with new Sustainability Department
The Danish manufacturer of Troldtekt® acoustic panels is preparing to enhance its sustainability work further and take the next step towards circular products. Two profiles from the construction industry have been recruited for the company’s new Sustainability Department, joining two experienced colleagues.

CSR report 2022 Cradle to Cradle gold and the muscle to achieve new milestones
Troldtekt has now published its CSR report with initiatives and data from 2022, when the company became part of the Kingspan Group. The year included Cradle to Cradle Gold certification, the launch of carbon-reduced acoustic panels and a promising project involving heat recovery during production.

Theme: The elderly of the future have new needs for their homes
In the coming years, there will be significantly more elderly people – and they will live longer. Therefore, the housing market must be prepared to meet the needs of the elderly in terms of housing. In a new online theme from Troldtekt A/S, you can read about architecture for both resourceful senior citizens and those in need of more care.

Learn from the best: Case collection presents residential builds with a low carbon footprint
A new case collection from Aalborg University's Department of the Built Environment presents homes with a low carbon footprint. Four of the projects feature Troldtekt acoustic solutions.
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Troldtekt’s online newsletter contains inspiring articles of topical interest on acoustics, indoor climate, architecture and sustainable building. Subscribe here!

Experience Troldtekt at exhibitions and events | Troldtekt
Meet us at architectural events, and conferences in New Zealand. Discover our acoustic solutions and connect with our experts at various industry gatherings. Be inspired by good acoustics and a healthy indoor climate!

Troldtekt videos
Troldtekt videos about good acoustics, sustainability, indoor climate, acoustic solutions, competitions - and tips for the installation of Troldtekt panels.

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