Enhanced campus environment
Horsens Gymnasium & HF has recently had a large new extension built, which has elegantly transformed the upper secondary school into a striking campus environment with adjoining smaller buildings as part of a larger whole.

The oldest buildings date back to 1940, and serve as the backbone for several extensions. Most recently, a new structure has been added consisting of two connected buildings, one housing facilities for the creative subjects and the other facilities for social studies. The existing but newer building which houses the science facilities has also been extended, so that it now matches the length of the opposite building.
In addition, more sports facilities have been added. The Municipality of Horsens’ architectural prize 2022 was awarded for the way in which the new buildings have been beautifully adapted to their surroundings while enhancing the campus feel. The main structures are connected by glass corridors at first-floor height, while at ground floor level it is possible to gather on staircase seating.
Nordic tone
The new cluster arrangement comprises groupings of specialist subject facilities organised around ‘subject squares’ which enable students to work in small groups. The creative facilities include a large common room with panoramic views of the main courtyard. The common room is very flexible – a large, bright and airy space where many students can gather for events. Vertical wooden strips are a recurring architectural element around the double-height rooms and stairs. Recycled brick has also been used in the ‘subject squares’ together with wood for added warmth and texturality.
White-painted Troldtekt acoustic panels have been installed on all the ceilings (on walls in the sports hall), ensuring superior acoustics and a strong sense of coherence between the various rooms and levels. C.F. Møller Architects opted for simple and robust materials for a Nordic tone and an architectural idiom embracing both stringency and more organic lines, such as in the common room.