Silence with a seaview
IXNAH is the newest residential building in Cancun, a city in south-east Mexico and a world-renowned tourist destination. The building is located on the shoreline with a stunning view overlooking the Caribbean Beach.

Designed by well-known interior designers Treceavo Plano and Mauricio Loberia from Monterrey, it has a contemporary facade and houses 8 large apartments, each 600 sqm in size.
Each apartment is purpose decorated in muted pastel colours and simply furnished occasionally highlighted with bright panels of art or marine scenes or artefacts. The floors are part covered with large rugs which help to absorb the echoes from the otherwise hard surfaces. However, in order to minimise completely the noise from TVs and voices and to keep the core of the apartments as quiet as possible, the designers chose to line all the ceilings with Troldtekt acoustic panels.
The panels provide an aesthetically pleasing link between all the apartment rooms. They are further enhanced by the lighting integrated into the ceiling.