Tested to withstand hard ball impacts
Troldtekt acoustic panels have been tested to withstand ball impacts at the University of MPA Stuttgart. Here, both ceiling and wall cladding are exposed to hard ball impacts, just like in sports halls.

Ceilings and wall coverings in sports halls are exposed to heavy loads when a handball comes at full speed. Therefore, materials for cladding ceilings and walls in sports halls, gymnasiums and the like must meet high requirements. Troldtekt has been tested to withstand the hard ball shots.
In Germany, documentation for the “ball shot safety” of the materials is required in accordance with Prüfung der Ballwurfsicherheit, DIN 18032 Teil 3, Sportshallen für Turnen und Spiele.
The test is carried out by employees of a laboratory at the Forschungs- und Materialprüfungsanstalt für das Bauwesen (FMPA) at the Otto-Graf-Institut at the University of Stuttgart. They do so in accordance with the CE standard for suspended ceilings, EN 13964, where ball impact resistance is also a parameter.
In accordance with EN 13964, Annex D, Impact resistance, Troldtekt is classified as class 1A.
Several designs tested
A wide range of structures fitted with Troldtekt acoustic panels have been tested at the institute in Stuttgart and have been approved for use as ceiling and wall cladding in sports facilities. This applies to both structures on wooden battens and structures suspended in a C60 profile system.
Testing ceiling panels
A handball is fired 36 times against the test wall at a velocity of 16.5 ± 0.8 m/s. The shots are fired 2 × 12 times at an angle of 60° and 1 × 12 times at an angle of 90°.
Testing wall coverings
A handball is fired 54 times against the test wall at a velocity of 22.5 ± 1.2 m/s. The shots are fired 2 × 12 times at an angle of 45° and 1 × 30 times at an angle of 90°.
Download documentation
In the overview for download you can see which constructions with Troldtekt have obtained ball impact certification.
Download the overview of Troldtekt’s ball impact certification
For further information on test methods or specific test reports, please contact our technical advice department.