

New theme: Transformation

Resource consumption in construction can be reduced by choosing healthy materials with longevity and transforming existing buildings for new purposes. Materials' service life weigh heavily, and transformation and sustainable building are in focus like never before. In this new Troldtekt theme, we take a closer look at thoughtful transformation.

New theme: Innovation

Innovation is part and parcel of the work of architects. But how do you work with innovation? Why is innovation not the same as untamed creativity and wild ideas? Which new design trends are emerging? Find the answers and much more in our new theme about innovation.

Troldtekt steps up production expansion

Troldtekt has stepped up its extensive investment plans at its factory complex in western Jutland involving a total capacity expansion of almost 40 per cent.

Theme: Acoustics in restaurants

Did you know that noise and music have a bearing on our sense of taste? And that poor acoustics can cost stars in restaurant reviews?

New theme: Offices

Skype meetings and knowledge sharing via mobile phone. Digital forms of collaboration are placing new demands on the design, acoustics and indoor climate of the physical office.

New product: Nothing finer

Troldtekt is launching an extremely fine structure, which no other manufacturer in the world offers.

New theme: Design

Raw natural materials such as stone and wood are becoming more widespread in global architecture. When used correctly, such materials can enhance a building's design, while also improving the experience for users.

CSR summit focusing on circular economy

The recycling of valuable resources in a circular economy is on the agenda when the Sustainable Supply Chain Summit Europe is held in London on 10-11 November.

Troldtekt® in the running for UK CSR award

Troldtekt has been nominated for the Responsible Business Awards 2015 for its business strategy work with the Cradle to Cradle concept. Troldtekt is one of seven nominees shortlisted in the category Business Strategy - Best Small to Medium Enterprise.

CSR report 2014 now online

Troldtekt’s 2014 report on its corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities can now be downloaded from the company’s website.