

THEME: Healing architecture

Light, air, acoustics and spatial organisation. Architectural ideas are being applied in support of treatment, not least in new psychiatric facilities. A new online series of articles from Troldtekt A/S focuses on visions and practices, opportunities and pitfalls within healing architecture.

Breakfast talk: What works for sustainability?

Never before have so many building materials been marketed as being sustainable. Get help navigating the facts, terms and claims when Troldtekt participates in DGNB’s online discussion at the international trade fair for architecture and building materials BAU ONLINE.

Troldtekt wins Danish-German Business Award

A professional jury and an open vote have named Troldtekt the winner of the Danish-German Chamber of Commerce’s ‘Danish Company of the Year’ award. The award honours Troldtekt’s successful entry on the German market, where sales of sustainable acoustic panels are now growing year on year.

New self-drilling screw facilitates installation in profile system

With a new self-drilling structure screw for steel, it has become easier to install Troldtekt acoustic panels on a C60 profile system. The screw is also available in a version suitable for particularly aggressive environments.

Film: Join us for a walk in the forest – and see how certified wood supports biodiversity

The use of wood as a building material helps to promote the green transformation. And when the wood comes from documented sustainable forests, it also supports biodiversity. Troldtekt® acoustic panels contain only wood certified according to the leading forest standards – FSC® and PEFCTM. See more in a new film from the forest and factory.

Troldtekt’s CSR report among the best

Troldtekt is one of the best SMEs in Denmark to report on its work with sustainability and social responsibility. The company has just been highlighted for its latest CSR report by the trade association FSR – Danish Auditors and Global Compact Network Denmark.

THEME: Building health and indoor climate

Although sustainable building is on the rise, large quantities of the harmful substances in building materials still manage to slip through into new and refurbished buildings. In a new online theme from Troldtekt A/S, experts present their views on material health and indoor climate – and possible solutions to the challenges.

Choose between PEFC™ and FSC®-certified Troldtekt®

All Troldtekt acoustic panels are now certified according to one of the two leading standards for responsible forestry. All the wood we use is PEFC-certified, and much of it is also FSC-certified. It is therefore possible to choose between the two standards when buying Troldtekt.

CSR report: Troldtekt offcuts used in new cement

Throughout 2018, Troldtekt A/S and Aalborg Portland A/S worked together to find ways of recycling offcuts from Troldtekt panels in cement production. The trial scheme has now become permanent. Read more in our latest CSR report.

Experience the new Troldtekt® design solutions

New design line gives architects exciting opportunities to combine the great acoustics of Troldtekt panels with a number of distinctive and scalable looks. Take a close look at the new range of design solutions.